Digital disinformation - attempts to deceive and manipulate opinion, powered by new tools of digital media, social networks and generative AI - is a global threat in dire need of a remedy. The World Economic Forum ranks misinformation and disinformation as the top short-term global risks for 2025-6. We are a collaborative lab dedicated to developing remedies for this issue.
We bring together experts, organizations, and innovators to drive real impact through strategic consulting, meaningful collaborations, and a thriving community.
We help public and private sector clients navigate the complexities of digital disinformation, offering expert insights, tailored strategies, and actionable solutions. We can help strengthen your resilience, refine your policies, and develop and integrate new approaches and solutions. We provide the guidance you need to stay ahead.
From groundbreaking research to launching new companies and products, we turn ideas into real-world solutions. We bring together diverse stakeholders to co-create impactful tools, initiatives, and technologies that tackle disinformation at its core.
We are more than just a platform—we are a movement. Our global network of companies, organizations, policy leaders and activists fosters collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and collective action. By connecting those on the front lines, we accelerate progress and amplify impact.

Strategic Defense Against Digital Disinformation
We offer a specialized approach to combat digital disinformation. Drawing from years of experience in corporate and public sector consulting, we have developed a proprietary methodology that enables organizations to understand the interplay between their products, operations, and objectives with digital disinformation.
At the core of our approach is a use case-driven methodology that ensures our insights and solutions are tailored to your organization’s specific challenges. We systematically identify and analyze the unique business or public-sector use cases that require attention, empowering you to navigate the complexities of disinformation with precision.
Resilience Assessment Evaluating your organization’s current exposure and preparedness. How does Digital Deception impact you?
Actionable Mitigation Strategies
Providing targeted solutions backed by validated methodologies.
Preemptive Risk Reduction
Equipping your teams with proactive tools and strategies to reduce the likelihood of disinformation attacks before they occur.
Incident Preparedness & Response
Ensuring your organization has the playbooks, processes, and capabilities to react swiftly and effectively when challenges arise

Building Solutions That Make a Difference
To achieve rapid progress, one may work alone; however, to achieve enduring success, collaboration is essential. We firmly believe in the power of partnership to create meaningful and lasting impact in the fight against digital disinformation.
We collaborate with leading experts, research institutions, and centers of excellence to establish the foundational research and data that inform both our client initiatives and the broader industry. By working together, we can build robust solutions that effectively address the challenges posed by disinformation.
By bringing together diverse perspectives, we co-create innovative solutions that don’t just react to disinformation but actively shape a more resilient digital ecosystem.
Research & Data Development
Generating insights, data and frameworks that deepen understanding and inform effective interventions
Cross-Sector Initiatives
Bridging the gap between public institutions, private organizations, and civil society to create scalable, high-impact solutions.
New Venture & Product Creation
Co-developing startups, technologies, and tools designed to combat disinformation in real-world applications
Connecting The Dots
Finding the best partners to spark new initiatives, accelerate high-impact solutions and bring new solutions to the market

An Ecosystem Of Strength And Resilience
Digital disinformation presents a vast and complex challenge, often placing attackers at a significant advantage. These adversaries operate with extensive experience, substantial funding, and advanced methodologies, enabling them to execute highly effective deception campaigns targeting individuals, organizations, and even nations. Countering this evolving threat is not a task any single entity can undertake alone; it necessitates a robust, united community of passionate experts, dedicated professionals, and committed activists.
To address this challenge, we are cultivating a thriving ecosystem where researchers, technologists, policymakers, activists, and industry leaders collaborate.
Together, we share insights, refine strategies, and drive meaningful change in the fight against digital disinformation.
Join us in harnessing the strength of collaboration to create impactful solutions.
Knowledge Sharing & Skill Building
Bringing together leading minds to exchange expertise, tools and best practices.
Proactive Engagement & Advocacy
Elevating the fight against disinformation through thought leadership, policy influence, and coordinated initiatives.
Cross-Sector Collaboration
Connecting organizations, companies, and individuals across industries to strengthen collective resilience
Events & Roundtables
Countering deception and strengthening trust by bringing our community closer together.